Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Finds and More Knitting Projects!!

Hello All! I just had a lovely visit from my sister-in-law Sue and we went to Portland's greatest Weaving and Fiber Gallery where Melodi helped me figure out my warping board and where I purchased some nice chenille yarn for a scarf that I want to weave.When we parked the car, I noticed a NEW, at least to me, yarn shop called Knitwit Yarn Shop and Coffee Bar. I DIDN'T have a piece of gloriously decadent chocolate cake while I shopped. Okay, okay! I did! But at least Sue and I shared it. Anyway, back to the shop and the yarn. I loved all that I saw there and I found some Noro Kureyon yarn that I immediately bought to make a multi-directional scarf. Here's a picture of the yarn and my progress.

It's a fast knit, and FUN!! I'm sure there are more people out there that like to do this as well, but I love to start projects - I usually finish them but I'm always looking out for a new yarn and a new pattern. I just got two books from the library - one on scarves and the other on bags. I can't wait to open them up and really get into the books.

Also I get the irresistable urge to giggle foolishly when I purchase new yarn that I love and it takes all of my control not to scream out "Mine, MINE, MINE!" after the clerk hands me my purchase. Anybody else feel like that??


Katy said...

I'm like you...I always have multiple projects going. When I get bored with one, I just pick up the other. One project is more "intense" while one or two others are quick and easy.

I don't think you can ever have enough yarn! And I have actually done an evil laugh and muttered "It's all mine!" as the cashier handed me my purchase. What? You haven't? *LOL*

LadyLungDoc said...

Very groovy scarf.
I like to pile all the new yarn on the floor and then rol around in it, but then other people in the shop give me funny looks...